Jan 22, 2010

"Always read something that will make you look good
if you die in the middle of it."

In the last few months I'm reading classic books that I've managed to miss out on by being a lazy little wise-ass in my twenties. As embarrassed as I am of only now getting around to them, I have to admit that I really wasn't smart enough to appreciate most of them before.

Right now I'm reading "Catch 22" and surprisingly not managing to connect to it at all. For years I've been so sure that it'sexactly the kind of book I'd go crazy for.
I'm also listening to "East of Eden" as an audiobook and it's blowing my mind. I expect to become a big Steinbeck fan. I read "Cannery Row" at some point when I was a teenager, but it didn't stick. Like I said, lazy little wise-ass.

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