Mar 8, 2010

2010 Osracrs® - Land Of Confusion

This is what happens when irresponsible people get to make big decisions - now everyone will want to see "The Hurt Locker", and  it's up to me to put out a warning. I don't know why the "members of the academy" thought it's their job to humiliate James Cameron by giving every possible prize to his ex, but the facts are these: "The Hurt Locker" is a bland, boring, uninspired little film, and everyone who's ever been near a battlefield (and I know a few of those) says that it's laughably unrealistic. Just hours of your life that would be better spent knitting a nice scarf, or even watching "Avatar", which is at least a masterpiece of technique.

While we're on the subject, let me warn you about "The Blind Side" and "Precious" as well. The only interesting thing about "The Blind Side" is that it is shamelessly racist, thinking that if it's based on actual events that makes it OK. And while "Precious" has some good acting, it can only be considered great in a universe where "The Color Purple" never happened. Luckily for us, we don't live in that universe.

So, what can we do? I suggest we try a prayer for our souls and the future of cinema:

1 comment:

tal said...

i saw "the hurt locker" 2-3 days ago when it was on tv.
had to watch the re-run tp almost see it through :-)

as for "the blind side" - yes, it's kinda racist, but that's the mentality of the south in the US, other then that - I liked that movie. except for that damn louisiana accent of what's her name.