Mar 10, 2010

This hair...

I like getting haircuts. When my hair is too long, I lose my mind a little. But ever since I saw the Coen borthers' "The Man Who Wasn't There", every time I go to get my hair cut I remember this one scene - half way through the movie, the meditative Frank makes an observation to the simple-minded Ed. It's pretty random if you think about about hair, but completely mind-blowing when you realize he's actually talking about time, about our lives:

Ed: Frank.
Frank: Huh?
Ed: This hair.
Frank: Yeah.
Ed: You ever wonder about it?
Frank: Whuddya mean?
Ed: I don't know... How it keeps on coming. It just keeps growing.
Frank: Yeah-lucky for us, huh, pal?
Ed: No, I mean it's growing, it's part of us. And we cut it off. And we throw it away.
Frank: Come on, Eddie, you're gonna scare the kid.
Ed: ...I'm gonna take his hair and throw it out in the dirt.
Frank: What the...
Ed: I wanna mingle it with common house dirt.
Frank: What the hell are you talking about?
Ed: I don't know. Skip it.

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